- Stay subluxation free! Subluxations are simply internal structural distortions that can cause serious health problems. Subluxations stress your nervous system and interfere with communications among your organs, glands, muscles and other body parts-including your brain and your immune system. Subluxations can be caused by any trauma: difficult birth, falls, accidents, emotional upset, chemical toxicity, overwork or a combination of factors (i.e. physical, chemical or emotional stress while your tired, overworked, malnourished, etc.) Subluxation are epidemic in our society; most people have subluxations and don't even know it. For that reason everyone needs periodic chiropractic checkups.
- Eat nutrient dense foods. Some foods give you an abundance of life-sustaining nutrients-these are known as "nutrient dense" foods. Other so called "foods" have no nutritional value or even negative nutritional value-they drain you of nutrients. Among foods with negative nutritional value are highly processed "junk foods" manufactured with sugar, high fructose corn syrup and white flour. Processed foods that damage your body also include soda, margarine, canola oil, corn and vegetable oils, and artificial sweeteners such as Splenda, Equal, and aspartame. Genetically modified foods are to be avoided. Soy is especially unhealthy because it is difficult to digest, has a damaging effect on the thyroid and has hormone (estrogen-like) chemicals that are linked to early puberty and cancer. Exceptions are fermented soy products such as soy sauce, natto, tempeh and miso. Nutrient dense foods include healthy fats and oils (olive and coconut oils, butter), grass-fed beef, and non-pasteurized raw milk and raw milk products. Organic foods are more nutritious than conventionally grown foods.
- Cleanse yourself of toxins. To ensure perfect health we need to keep our bodies free of toxins that can interfere with the function of our nerves, muscles, glands, tissues and cells. These toxins include mercury, aluminum, copper and other heavy metals. Toxins can also arise from dental infections, root canals, cigarettes and environmental pollution. A common source of toxic pollution is drugs, whether over-the-counter-, prescribed or recreational. It is wisest to limit drug use as much as possible. A detoxification protocol may be necessary to cleanse your body. Remember we are starting the Standard Process 21-Day Purification Program May 3rd! Join in!!
- Stay hydrated! Drinking alcohol, coffee, sugary soft drinks and even distilled water actually dries you out. Dehydration has been linked to depression, high blood pressure, disc problems, muscle weakness, heart problems, vision problems, fatigue, exhaustion and many other physical and mental conditions. Drinking good quality spring water is very good for you and necessary to prevent disease and maintain good health.
- Stay physically active. Your body was made for action. Good exercise makes your heart, lungs and other internal organs healthy and lengthens your life. The best exercise is intense exercise (it gets your heart pumping and lungs working). As little as ten minutes of intense exercise per day is much more effective for weight loss, strength and cardiovascular health than an hour of jogging. You don't have to be in overwork mode all the time. A nice walk with a friend can also do wonders for your physical and mental health.
- Get enough rest! Sleep is a necessary ingredient to health. A great way to destroy your physical and mental health is to run yourself into the ground. Insufficient sleep has been implicated in everything from cardiovascular disease to obesity to impaired immune response. It can also create stress, disrupt relationships, and make a person more accident prone.
- Exercise your heart. Your mind, heart and spirit need to be exercised just like your body. Keep the excitement of life's potential alive! Meditate, sit or pray. Open your heart to life's possibilities! If you are not growing and connecting to your purpose, exploring your potential and enjoying life, you are courting danger. Discover the excitement of being alive. Take little steps at first, larger ones will follow!
- Enjoy nourishing relationships. This is perhaps the most important aspect of life and of health. The science of psychoneuroimmunology confirms what common sense tells us: people in healthy relationships are better off. Those in committed relationships live longer and are healthier. People who feel disconnected from others are usually sicker. The more connected you are the happier you are. Nourish deeper connections to family, friends and co-workers; explore social organizations, clubs and churches. Anger, fear, loneliness and disconnection weaken your immune system while emotions of gratitude and love are the most healing.
Chiropractic can be your first step toward improving all the facets of your life. Chiropractic care connects people to their healing potential. Chiropractic can help open you to detoxification, relaxation, emotional healing and a deeper connection to oneself and others.
Chiropractic care helps people become more physically balanced. This often increases their energy and permits them to move-both physically and emotionally. The mental/emotional benefits of chiropractic have been noticed since chiropractic's inception. Correcting subluxations can improve mental function and relieve depression.
Thank you for allowing us to help you experience your healing journey with chiropractic care and helping you to become a healthier you!