Hey Everyone!
Well bathing suit time is just around the corner...some might even think it's already here! Don't worry I'm not one of them. I am still looking forward to "spring", which I am not sure we will actually get this year. Anyway, moving on...
Are you ready for tank tops and swimsuits? If not, don't worry there is still time for you to get into shape and feel great about your body and your health! For the second time this year I am offering a Group Standard Process Purification Program. The program will begin May 3rd and end May 23rd. Just in time for all those Memorial Day picnics and vacations!
For those of you not familiar with what I am talking about I'll explain a little bit about what I mean. The Purification Program is a 21 day program consisting of a supplement regimen, dietary changes, and the incorporation of exercise/infrared sauna therapy to supply your body with all the proper nutrients it needs to heal your system.
Purification can help remove natural toxins from our bodies and help us maintain a healthy weight. Everyday we are exposed to toxins whether it be from our external environment or internally from our own bodily processes. External toxins can be anything from pesticides, pollutants, or chemicals to coffee, tobacco, refined sugar, or refined flour. Internal toxins can be from waste byproducts produced as a result of normal metabolic function, bacterial/yeast/fungal overgrowth, or even sluggish lymph and skin elimination.
Our body is designed to rid itself of these toxins, but often times our body can become overburdened. Purification offers our body additional support to expel these toxins and minimize our weight, which is important in maintaining our health and vitality.
Once again, I'll be joining any patients wishing to participate in this Group Purification Program. I will be supplying you with all the information, recipes, and support you need to make your way through the 21 days! If you truly are looking to better your health and rid yourself of some of the ugly habits you might have...Join me May 3rd!
For the patients who completed this Purification Program in January:
Well bathing suit time is just around the corner...some might even think it's already here! Don't worry I'm not one of them. I am still looking forward to "spring", which I am not sure we will actually get this year. Anyway, moving on...
Are you ready for tank tops and swimsuits? If not, don't worry there is still time for you to get into shape and feel great about your body and your health! For the second time this year I am offering a Group Standard Process Purification Program. The program will begin May 3rd and end May 23rd. Just in time for all those Memorial Day picnics and vacations!
For those of you not familiar with what I am talking about I'll explain a little bit about what I mean. The Purification Program is a 21 day program consisting of a supplement regimen, dietary changes, and the incorporation of exercise/infrared sauna therapy to supply your body with all the proper nutrients it needs to heal your system.
Purification can help remove natural toxins from our bodies and help us maintain a healthy weight. Everyday we are exposed to toxins whether it be from our external environment or internally from our own bodily processes. External toxins can be anything from pesticides, pollutants, or chemicals to coffee, tobacco, refined sugar, or refined flour. Internal toxins can be from waste byproducts produced as a result of normal metabolic function, bacterial/yeast/fungal overgrowth, or even sluggish lymph and skin elimination.
Our body is designed to rid itself of these toxins, but often times our body can become overburdened. Purification offers our body additional support to expel these toxins and minimize our weight, which is important in maintaining our health and vitality.
Once again, I'll be joining any patients wishing to participate in this Group Purification Program. I will be supplying you with all the information, recipes, and support you need to make your way through the 21 days! If you truly are looking to better your health and rid yourself of some of the ugly habits you might have...Join me May 3rd!
For the patients who completed this Purification Program in January:
- Do you have any suggestions for me as far as things to do different?
- Do you have any suggestions for the new group? Words of encouragement?
- What information would you like to see added? Taken away? Changed?
For those looking to participate please feel free to call, e-mail, or comment on here any questions you have. I will be putting a sign-up sheet in the office tomorrow for those wanting to participate! I look forward to helping you better your health naturally! Also for those of you not familiar at all with this program please feel free to look on Standard Process's website or look back through my posts back in January to get a feel of what this is all about!
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