Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Feel The Burn

Well today is day 3 of our SP Purification Program.  I hope everyone is feeling great!  I know personally I have had absolutely no withdrawal this time.  That is due to the fact that I gave up coffee almost 2 months ago.  I remember the first time I did this program (2 years ago), I had a massive headache for the first 2 days because of coffee withdrawal.  I was determined to never let that happen again.  If you are dealing with that type of situation then this is the day that headache should be lessened if not completely gone.  Hang on, it will go away.

So, I did my yoga class on Monday...and it was a wonderful 75 minute hot power yoga mess!  I don't remember the last time I took 75 minutes to focus on my breath.  I don't think ever!  Usually when I practice yoga I get frustrated because I'm not as limber as I once was, or I get bored or my mind won't quite down long enough for me to actually enjoy the experience.  For some reason this time was different.  I was completely relaxed and at ease.  I didn't even get frustrated once!  I honestly don't remember thinking about anything other than breathing during those 75 minutes.  It was blissful!  I give most, if not all of that credit to my yoga teacher.  She was amazing!  Now 2 days later I'm still sore, but loving it!  I can't wait to go back.  I've had to put my "becoming a yogi" on hold for the last 2 days because of this wonderful yet annoying thing we call here in the north...SNOW.  As much as I love it, I can't stand it just as much.  I feel like all of that progress I made on Monday night toward being relaxed, grounded, focused, calm all went out the window Tuesday because of the aggravation snow brings to me.  But again, maybe I should take this as a sign that I need to slow down and realize that I am not the one in control. 

So...back to yoga on Thursday! =)

Today I am leaving you with a recipe that one of my patients had on her blog.  It's called Green Goddess Rice and although I have not tried it yet, I'll be sure to make it this weekend! Doesn't that look yummy!

1 comment:

  1. I made this last night and it was delicious! Some of the reviews said to add an extra avocado and minced garlic so we did that. And we used wild rice instead of the other kind. We are definitely making this again! ~Nicole
