I hope you took my advice and did all your shopping and prep work this past weekend (trust me it makes it so much easier). I also find it helpful to plan out all my meals and snacks for the week ahead. This way I am not scrambling to find something to eat or also so I don't just sit staring at all my fruit and veggies wondering what in the world I am to do with them. Planning out my meals also makes me look forward to making and enjoying them! For instance, I can't wait to make the Lettuce Wraps on Wednesday for lunch or to eat the Chilled Cucumber-Red Onion Salad I made as a snack for tomorrow!
If you find you are struggling with ideas for snacks or what to make for dinner tonight I recommend looking over the packet of recipes I gave to you. There really are some great ideas in there! You can also look up vegetarian dishes/sides on the Internet. You can always modify them if they don't fit the proper criteria for this program. The idea is to have a variety of foods to eat. Make each day interesting and try to incorporate a new veggie each day. This Program will go much smoother if you have variety. Make this 21 Journey fun and exciting (because IT IS!)!
Remember that you should be eating twice as many veggies as fruits! I know all us sugar lovers tend to go straight for the fruit and bypass the veggies, but vegetables are better at detoxifying the body than fruit is. Plus fruit does have sugar in it...so for those looking to drop a few pounds and fit into that special dress or those favorite pair of jeans might want to keep fruit to a minimum.
I also wanted to let you guys know how proud I am of you for taking the first step to better your health!
* I have had a ton of inquires about the recipe packet. I have now added a Buy Now PayPal button below where you can purchase this packet of recipes from me. Once you submit your payment, please send an e-mail to drsgolojuh@gmail.com letting me know you just purchsed your packet and I will e-mail you over the recipe packet. Also with this purchase I will send you more recipes as I add them. *

Question: How long should I wait to eat after taking supplements on an empty stomach? (because I kinda want some carrots)
ReplyDeleteWait 1 hour after taking supplements to eat. How is your first day going?
ReplyDeleteEating healthier is the way to go!
ReplyDeleteMy first day is going great. I made it more challenging for my self, however, I got through it with flying colors and stuck right to my plan! I had lunch with two of my girlfriends today.. of all places to pick "The Cheese Cake Factory". They do have great salads which was right along with what I had planned to eat, minus the dressing... olive oil and vinegar instead. No glass of wine... water with lime... and I was able to by pass the bread and cheese cake!
ReplyDeleteActually my friends were very supportive... they told he waitress the bread on the table wasn't necessary... and they ordered their pieces of cheese cake to go, so I didn't even need to be tempted at all!
Dr. Vanessa, you are so right about surrounding yourself with people who will support you during this journey, and understand why you are doing this and why it is important to you! My girlfriends were the best!
So, my first day was a huge success... and I am looking forward to day two!
Day one was also great for me. I'm so proud of poster above for going out! Wow! I don't have that kind of courage. I will be going out on Saturday though... so I'm hoping to pick a place that has cool approved food.
ReplyDeleteI just feel like I have so much to do! I get home from work and I don't stop cooking until I go to sleep!
I'm stalking up on good foods so I'm not tempted at ALL.
Thanks Dr. Vanessa!
I find taking one day on the weekend to prepare everything works well. Large batches! That way you don't have to come home and cook something from scratch every night. Also remember to incoporate some salads into your week! It's a great way to get in plenty of raw veggies and they are also easy to put together!
ReplyDeleteI just finished this and only lost 6 pounds. I started at 138 lbs (5'7" tall and am 42 years old). I plateaued at day 7 and stayed the same for the remaining two weeks, total bummer. I ate too few calories (I bounced between 800 and 1100) which put my body (I think) into starvation mode. Please eat enough calories esp if you are exercising to get results. I am on my first day off and am being very careful, but have many aches and pains.
ReplyDeleteHi Dr. Vanessa,
ReplyDeleteI stumbled up on your blog while searching for some tips for the SP purification process.
While I am not a client of yours, I would gladly pay for the packet of recipes. I am having a hard time planning (as per usual, on all fronts) and can't quite figure out the timing of it all.
ANy tips you have would be wonderful and much appreciated.
Hi Natalie!
ReplyDeleteI'm glad you stumbled upon my blog! If you started the SP purification process already you might find following this blod day by day as I went through the process back in January with a bunch of my patients. You would have to go back to all of January's posts, but I think it might help you through your journey if you don't already have someone supporting you. I would be more than happy to e-mail you the recipes I have put together. If you would like that please e-mail me at drsgolojuh@gmail.com and I can send them right over to you. Trust me planning is the key thing in making this program easy!
If you have any other questions please feel free to e-mail me personally or send me a comment on here. I wish you much success with your Purification Process!!!
Dr. Vanessa
Hi Dr. Vanessa, I am very glad to find your blog. I just am finishing Day 1. I have to say, it did not go so well. I used the Banana Berry Blast shake recipe for this morning followed by all of the pills. I felt very nauseous after that. It passed after about an hour. Then I had an apple and a couple of strawberries. For lunch I had a salad with the apple cider vinaigrette dressing. I was not able to finish it. I normally like salads, but I would prefer ranch (bad, I know) and I don't know if that's what bothered me with it or what. I had my suppliments again in the afternoon. For dinner I made brown rice with some onions and peppers mixed in. Again, I was not able to finish my meal. I would hate to think that healthy foods gross me out, I don't normally eat that poorly, but for some reason today everything was just very gross to me. I became very nauseous again after dinner which lasted all evening. When drinking another shake I threw up. Is this normal at all? I actually felt better after throwing up and I finished the shake. I feel like I'm never going to make it through this process. In need of encouragement.
ReplyDeleteHi Dr. Vanessa!
ReplyDeleteI am not a patient of yours but I was wondering if I could still purchase the recipe packet from you? This blog has been extremely useful to me, I just started the purification program yesterday. Please let me know? Thank you!
Hi Colleen,
ReplyDeleteI'm so glad you have found my blog helpful! A group of patients and myself just finished our purification program last Sunday! Everyone had great success with it, as I'm sure you will too. I do still have the packet of recipes for purchase and I also include shake recipes as well. If you scroll up to the bottom of this post you will see a "Buy Now" button. Just click on that and PayPal will direct your steps. Once you purchase them please send an e-mail to drsgolojuh@gmail.com and let me know and I will send them right over! Wishing you tremendous success with this program!
Dr. Vanessa
Hi Dr Vanessa!
ReplyDeleteIts Colleen again! I was just wondering if organic eggs are allowed when protein is introduced into the program? I didn't think it was but one of my co-workers said it was so I figured you might be able to clear that up for me. Thank you very much! Also, what is the average weight loss for the program that you and your patients have seen? Thank you and have a great weekend!
Hi Colleen,
ReplyDeleteSorry I'm a little late getting back to you. I was out of town all weekend, today was my first day back. If you are sticking to the program exact, then no eggs. I have had patients incorporate them on Day 11 though. I generally do not recommend it. I would say the average weight loss seen in my patients is 10lbs. Some more, some less. But generally patients lose around 10lbs. I hope this helps!
Thank you so much for the information Dr. Vanessa! You are always very helpful! I am definitely going to stay away from the eggs. I am down 10 pounds but the scale is not budging so I was just checking to see what the average weight loss usually was when doing the purification program. Thanks again!
ReplyDeleteI'm preparing to start the cleanse in about 2 weeks. Even re-reading your information is helpful!!!
ReplyDeleteI'm going to blog about it too, I think it will help me stay on track.
Follow if you want!! www.mandatorymindy.blogspot.com
Mindy, I'm so glad to hear that! Thank you. I know this was from 2 years ago, but I'm glad the information is still helpful to you. We have a group clease starting Monday with around 10 patients involved. This is such a great time a year to do it. I wish you much success!
ReplyDeleteHi Dr. Vanessa,
ReplyDeleteI'm starting the cleanse tomorrow; got it from my chiropractor in Columbus ohio. Are your recipes still available? Also, after reading the post from Headphones on Top (July 2010) I'm a little nervous about nausea. Did you ever repond to her?
Thanks -- excited about doing this!
Sue, I also just started the cleanse and am in Columbus, Ohio! Maybe we can help support each other. Please feel free to email me at angelomio3@gmail.com. I'm nervous and excited at the same time about the process but mostly excited :)
Hi Sue,
ReplyDeleteYes the recipes are still available, all you have to do is click the Buy Now button above and I will get both the food and shake recipes right over to you. Nausea is common especially in the beginning of the cleanse as your body goes through detoxing. Sometimes it's the SP Cleanse supplements that make people feel a little sick to the stomach. I have been working with patients for 4 years with this Purification Program and I may have only had a handful of patients experience nausea. It really helps if you were able to wean yourself off of coffee before hand. I am a huge believer in this Purification Program. We did another group cleanse last month and patients did fantastic! Most are doing it for the purpose of weight loss, but I also have many who are really looking to change their eating habits for good and this is a great place to start!
If you put your mind to completing this process you will succeed! I am currently 32 weeks pregnant now and was really bummed I could not participate in my last group cleanse but I am looking forward to doing it after the baby arrives! My husband did it with our patients and I drank a shake every morning and ate pretty much the same things, I just didn't take the SP Cleanse pills. I continue to take SP Green Food daily with shakes that include the SP Complete and Whole Food Fiber. Many patients will continue on the shakes long after the cleanse is over and I think it's a great idea!
I hope this helps.
Dr. Vanessa
Hi Dr. Vanessa,
ReplyDeleteI am not a patient of your, but you seem to know alot about the Standard Process clease. I am on my third day of the clease and I am gaining weight! YIKES! I am very worried. I have eaten only the 3 shakes a day and veggies in between shakes. Am I doing something wrong? Also I have been reading some of the posts on here and I thought that canned foods were not allowed. I have read that you use canned tomatoes? I read that fresh or frozen were the only allowed on this purification.
Hi Dr. Vanessa,
ReplyDeleteI just purchased your Recipes via pay-pal, how long does it take to receive them?