Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Standard Process Purification Program- Day 10

Yes it is Day 10 already! Remember tomorrow you can start eating lean protein! I have been hearing great feedback from all of you, so keep up the good work!

I had someone comment yesterday's post about Leek Soup, and was wondering if anyone had a good recipe for it. I have never personally made it...only eaten it! I really do love it and would love to find a great recipe without the potatoes...and cream...and bacon. The place I usually order my Leek Soup from has a secret recipe which I am sure they won't give up (because I have already asked them!). Please post if you find one!

By this point in the Program you should be feeling really good! And by Day 21 you'll be feeling not only great, but fantastic! I hope you are all enjoying trying new foods and incorporating more fruits and veggies into your life. I hope this becomes a way of life for you all to follow way beyond Day 21.


  1. After asking you about the leek soup... I found a recipe for creamy asparagus soup... to make it creamy, they used cauliflower! I think I'll give it a try, and also, it could probably be made like a veggie, escarole soup with vegetable broth or chicken broth. I will get the link to the website for all the different kinds of soups. I am excited about incorporating meat into my diet as well.

  2. The website is

  3. Thanks for the information. I will have to try the cauliflower instead of the cream. I never thought of that! If you end up making it, let us know how it turns out please!
