Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Standard Process Purification Program- Day 3

Day 3 is already here! I’m telling you this Purification Program goes fast! Before you start it you may not think so, but once you get going and are used to preparing all the food it really does fly by!

Day 3 might feel the same as Day 2, but hang tight each day gets better and better. You still may be experiencing some cravings (of the naughty things you used to enjoy), but these cravings will begin to disappear shortly (within another day or two). If you are having a particularly hard day just remember why you are doing this Program in the first place. For some it might be to fit into that pair of skinny jeans, or to prove to yourself you do have self-control, or maybe it’s because you want to be around as long as you can to see your children grow up, or even just to accomplish that New Year’s Resolution for once and for all. Whatever your reason was to start this journey always keep it in mind, it will motivate you at the times you need it most!

Now we’ll move on to exercise! (Yay! Everyone’s favorite subject.) Have you started exercising yet? I know all too well what it feels like to be too tired to exercise! But the truth is…you just have to suck it up and DO IT! Even if you don’t feel like it, find something you can do. Just give me 20 minutes walking on the treadmill, or 3 sets of pushups, just give me something! The first week can be hard to get motivated to get up and move your body because you might not have the same energy you had last week, and that’s okay. I’m not asking you to train for a marathon here, I’m just asking for 20-30 minutes of something you enjoy doing at least 3 times per week. The first couple days are the hardest trying to incorporate exercise into this Program, but I know once you start you’ll thank me later (because you’ll see even better results!).

I wanted to thank everyone for the feedback I have been getting so far! I hope you are enjoying this blog as much as I like writing it. Also if you have any recipes or suggestions to share please leave a comment below.


  1. Dr. Vanessa! Did you ever try the Jello-No Bake dessert? It doesn't have alot of calories...and easy to make...make it in cups or a pie?? Did you see it?

    Alex Pacuch

  2. I did start to exercise... I really like Bill Phillips Body For Life 20 Minute Aerobic Solution. This program involves performing only 20 minutes of aerobic exercise three times per week - no more, no less. Your challenge is to make each of these workouts the most effective fat burning, health-enhancing 20 minutes you possibly can. You use a stationary bike, treadmill, etc to do the aerobics.

    Start with a 2 minute warm-up at about a level 5 intensity. Your level 5 may be just a walk, or if you're used to exercising it may be a brisk jog. Your level 5 is your level 5.

    Now after the 2 minutes at level 5, take it up a notch, to level 6. Keep it there for 1 minute, then take it up to a level 7 for 1 minute, then take it up to a level 8 for another minute. Then take it up to a level 9 for another minute, then take it all the way back down to your level 6 intensity.

    Repeat this pattern 3 times, but on the last cycle - between the 18th and 19th minutes of the 20 minute workout - don't stop at level 9, Bill wants you to reach a high point - so go for a level 10. The bring it back down to level 5 for a minute and you're down. (Some people will need to cool down longer, no more than a level 5).

    This is easy, to do, and you will get really good results. Especially for those of us who may not have done aerobics in a while. Your level intensity is your level. Each week you could challenge yourself on your level intensity, or keep it the same until the cleanse is over. Whatever you choose, this works.

  3. Alex- On this program we are not eating any refined sugar or artificial flavor/colorings. Just because it may not have a lot of calories doesn't mean it's good for you. The most important thing to look at is the ingredient list, and if you don't recognize some of the things listed then just put it back. You want to stick with whole foods like: fruits, veggies, and lean sources of protein like chicken or fish. I know you are not doing the same Purification Program that a bunch of us are on right now, but I’m glad your still following my blog along! But on this Program we have cut out all food that is processed or artificial.

  4. Thank you so much for the exercise tip! I think a lot of people can benefit from that, especially if they haven't started yet. That's a good workout routine because it lets you work with whatever level you are on. Thanks again!

  5. That exercise routine sounds great! I'm going to try that! I like my Pilates "advanced fat burning" routine, but it can be intimidating at 45 minutes long. I did the 10 minute quick routine this morning, and I have far infrared sauna again tonight. Is it ok to workout after the sauna?

  6. After your sauna session it's okay to do a light workout, nothing too intense. The above program would be too intense after your sauna session so stick to something easier/lighter.
