In my opinion there is nothing better than a cup of warm hearty soup on a cold…dreary…did I mention windy day. To my rescue was Alton Browns Lentil Soup recipe. It was exactly what I needed this afternoon to warm me up! I have a new found appreciation for lentils. After never wanting to cook with them ever again I actually used both bags of lentils this weekend that sat in my pantry for months! All I needed was the right recipe to come along and spark my interest…and his sure did the job! Thanks Alton.
About this point in the Program many people find they are not drinking as much water as they did when they started. If this is you…please increase your water intake. (Remember you should be drinking ½ your body weight in ounces daily.) Just like last week you should be continuing to feel great! Can you believe we just have this week left? As this week progresses I will be giving you tips and recommendations on how to come off the Purification Program. I hope you are all finding that you feel so wonderful that you want to continue this way of life…therefore I have some suggestions for you as you introduce certain foods back into your diet. So stay tuned!
*Remember you should be eating twice the amount of veggies as fruit!

I am looking forward to your "after the cleanse" tips, suggestions, and encouraging words....