Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Day 10 Is Upon Us

It's already Day 10.  Guess what tomorrow brings? PROTEIN! Yes I'm talking chicken, fish and turkey...for me at least.  I'm really not a fan of any other meats, except beef, but that is not allowed on this cleanse.  And even if it was, I rarely eat it.  So I don't mind not having it for 21 days. 

As I've said before, during this 21 day purification program I am also reading Made To Crave: Satisfying Your Deepest Desires With God, Not Food.  I am thoroughly enjoying this book! I have been reading a chapter a day (which are not long), and I have also been reading the little eBook that goes along with it called Craving God which is a 21 day challenge. (It is basically a shortened version of the book.)  I have learned a lot of things.  So far I've come away with some great scriptures to use in times of temptation, and I have also learned that I am "made for more".  What I have also learned is that you can replace craving "food" with any other negative habit/desire you have.  The same principles apply.  From the beginning I have wanted to make this 21 day journey about more than just breaking food habits and I feel I am well on my way! 

As a side note: I have a butternut squash in my cupboard and kale in the fridge.  Any suggestions on new recipes to use with these two?  They don't have to be used together...I am just not feeling butternut squash soup this time and I want something exciting for the kale.  So if you have any ideas for me please leave a comment below!


  1. I slice squash like little discs and lay them in a casarole dish, (its okay if they overlap) sprinle with xvoo/salt/pepper, bake for 30 minutes @350 or until desired tenderness.

  2. I cut my squash in half lengthwise and widthwise and baked it in the oven for about 45 mins until soft. I took half and pureed it with a little olive oil and nutmeg and then mixed it with wild rice. It was similar to the Green Goddess Rice recipe. I used the other half to make my kids macaroni and cheese. The color of the squash looks like the cheese :) They love it!
