Friday, January 28, 2011

Finish Strong!

Sorry I haven't written lately.  This week has been busy. I hope everyone is doing well on their program. Reminder, Sunday is your last day! (Like you needed a reminder for that, right!?)  Go all the way through Sunday.  Don't wake up Sunday and think, well today is the last day so I think I'll eat some pancakes! Please don't do that...wait until Monday at least.  Well hopefully pancakes won't be on your list of breakfast foods anymore.  I hope you all have found this journey beneficial and rewarding.  Do you see how much will power you actually have over food?  It truly is amazing.  There is no reason you can't continue on this eating plan.  Just because Sunday is your last day DOES NOT mean you have to go back to eating your old ways on Monday!  Just remember that! You can continue this as long as you want, hopefully your feeling so good you want to continue and never go back to eating the way you used to. So, finish strong!!!

1 comment:

  1. I feel great! Thanks so much for the journey. I look forward to this as my new way of life. Your inspiration and support throughout was incredible. I look forward to my new supplement program and the continual new way for me, and how "50" is the new "30"!!
