Friday, January 8, 2010

Only 1 weekend stands in our way!

Since I probably will not be posting over the weekend and we start MONDAY MORNING (Yay!) I wanted to make sure to clear a few things up that might be confusing.

  1. On Monday start the SP Cleanse capsules. Take 7 three times per day on an empty stomach. An empty stomach means either one hour before a meal or two hours after you finished a meal. The SP Cleanse will take you through Day 7 (Jan. 17th).
  2. On Day 8 (Jan. 18th) start the SP Green Food capsules. You will take 5 capsules two times per day. Same goes with these…take on an empty stomach.
  3. I recommend 2-3 SP Complete Shakes per day. When you want to drink these are up to you, just make sure that in one of them you add one scoop of Whole Food Fiber. Each shake should contain 2 scoops of SP Complete. You will do the shakes Day 1-Day 21! Yummy Yummy!
  4. Make sure you are prepared! Take one day this weekend to prep your fruit and veggies. Make a couple batches of soup, clean and cut all the veggies you’ll be snaking on, wash the fruit so you can grab and go, and even cook a big batch of brown/wild rice. You will find the cleanse the hardest if you are not prepared!
  5. If you are a big caffeine drinker I recommend that you begin today easing off of it. Whether it’s coffee, soda, or tea you may experience some caffeine withdrawal effects during this time. I don’t want you to quit caffeine cold turkey Monday or you may experience a pretty intense headache or some irritability (or a lot of irritability as Josh might tell you).
  6. Plan your meals for the week and go shopping before Monday! Either take a list with you to the store or bring along the back tear-off flap that comes with your Program Booklet. Make sure you get everything you will need, including spices, oils, etc.

I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend and if you have any questions please leave a comment and I will answer it ASAP on Monday morning! And NO this weekend is not for loading up on all the junk you won’t be able to eat over the next 3 weeks!


  1. I am ready to go for the 11th. Thank you for the response about cleaning products and body lotions, soaps, shampoos, etc. I really didn't give this a thought, until I read the other post. I am going out this weekend to change over everything, including my toothpaste to flouride free organic. Again, I am loving this already before I am starting! The feed back and quick responses are great and helping tremendously! Thanks again!

  2. Hi Dr. Vanessa!
    Nice blog with helpful tips on it. Will follow your blog! Great way to explain good health tips to people!

  3. Clarification... the instructions on the bottle of whole food fiber say 1 scoop in every shake. So, we're only supposed to only put it into 1 shake per day?

  4. Yes, just one scoop of Whole Food Fiber in one shake per day. Make sure it is a full scoop though!
